Posts Tagged with “music”

Music Pick – Luca Stricagnoli’s “Braveheart” Instrumental

This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series Music Picks

I’m not going to say much about this one. Just watch and listen and be amazed at the talent this one-man-band displays.

You can find more of his work and purchase his music at

Music Pick: Loreena McKennitt – Kecharitomene

This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series Music Picks


This instrumental is performed by the consummate musician Loreena McKennitt and features the wonderfully melodic sound of a hurdy gurdy accompanied by a drum-line like rhythm. McKennitt’s music often has a Mediterranean / Middle Eastern / Indian flavor to it. This particular piece, Karcharitome, was written by McKennitt and is meant to evoke the joy that Mary must have felt when Gabriel said to her, “Chaire, kecharitomene !” [Hail, highly favored by His grace!] The song can be found on her album, An Ancient Muse, and should be available in your preferred format / ecosystem.