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A Staggering Dichotomy

Dichotomy: Two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities

trevon is murder abortion is a right

In the 20 days of the trial, the lives of approximately 63,000 unborn children in the United States were extinguished – silently, deliberately and legally murdered.1


  1. Based on 2009 rates of abortion. []

Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-A

Cow Appreciation Day

My wife hand lettered the signs and purchased the costume from the flea market for one dollar. This cute costume scored us a free meal, but the collective oohs and ahs from the employees was the best reward!

Who can find a virtuous woman?

Today I give you Proverbs 31:31. We don’t have city gates, per se,  but the implication is a social center. For we denizens of the early 21st century, that might be Facebook, Twitter, or a personal blog like this one.

My wife bought this pair of white canvas shoes at the local flea market. They were stained and she paid one dollar for them. She bleached them and painted them, and now our daughter has a very cute pair of shoes to wear… when she gets a little older.

Elanor's painted baby shoes


“Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.”

Good Sign: Elanor likes books

Good Sign: Elanor likes books

Elanor’s first time in the library. She acted like she was in heaven.